Taoyuan Municipal Guanyin High School


Taoyuan Municipal Guanyin Senior High School (abbreviated as Guanyin High School or Guan High) is located in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. It was established as a comprehensive high school from the reorganization of Taoyuan County Xingpo Junior High School, and it is equipped with a modern library and a vocational department. It is a community high school that provides nearby enrollment for graduates from junior high schools in Guanyin Township and Xinwu Township. The school offers three educational systems: junior high school, senior high school, and vocational school. The vocational department offers two majors: chemical engineering and multimedia animation. In response to the reorganization of Taoyuan County into a direct-controlled municipality, the school's name was changed to "Taoyuan Municipal Guanyin Senior High School." In the second phase of campus construction in the same ROC year, the "Junior High School Teaching Building" was completed, providing a modern teaching environment for the junior high school students in accordance with the pulse of the era and the knowledge economy. Guanyin High School has come a long way since its establishment, thanks to the support and care of all sectors, with ongoing expansion of the campus library and the addition of classroom facilities, allowing the school to develop "science," "humanities," and "technology" as its characteristics, and making "Guanyin High School" a cradle for cultivating outstanding talents for the nation.

Guanyin High School


Guanyin High School emphasizes e-learning and positions itself as a community-oriented high school. It cultivates students' English proficiency and expertise in a second foreign language, aiming to become a "small-scale, refined, and distinctive" community high school. It combines the establishment of vocational subjects with the creation of an "e-campus" to develop "science," "information," and "technology" as the school's characteristics.

02_General Program


  1. Year 43 of the Republic of China (1954): Establishment of the Preparatory Committee.
  2. Year 44 of the Republic of China (1955): Approval for school establishment, named Taoyuan County Yangmei High School Guanyin Branch.
  3. Year 46 of the Republic of China (1957): Granted independence, renamed Taoyuan County Guanyin Junior High School.
  4. Year 55 of the Republic of China (1966): Established Guanyin Branch in Baiyu Village.
  5. Year 57 of the Republic of China (1968): Nationwide implementation of the nine-year compulsory education system. Guanyin Branch became Taoyuan County Guanyin Junior High School, and the school was renamed Taoyuan County Xingpo Junior High School.
  6. Year 99 of the Republic of China (2010): Establishment of the Preparation Office for Taoyuan County Guanyin Senior High School.
  7. Year 101 of the Republic of China (2012): Restructured as a comprehensive high school, officially named Taoyuan County Guanyin Senior High School, and began enrolling the first batch of students in the senior high school and vocational departments.
  8. Year 103 of the Republic of China (2014): With the reorganization of Taoyuan County into a direct-controlled municipality, the school was renamed Taoyuan Municipal Guanyin Senior High School.
  9. Year 107 of the Republic of China (2018): Renamed Taoyuan Municipal Guanyin Senior Secondary School.

01_Xinpo Junior High


School Development Vision:

Be happy to be yourself; character resides in the heart. Possess knowledge in the mind and practical abilities in the hands. Actively guide students to understand themselves, appreciate themselves, and love life. The 21st century is an era where character determines success. Through holistic education, Guanyin Senior High cultivates students' good character and a correct outlook on life. Through adaptive education, diverse learning, professional teachers, innovative teaching, and holistic education, students are nurtured to become "global citizens" and make reading the key to lifelong learning and knowledge a practical skill and power.

School vision_01


Core Educational Philosophy:

  • Based on consensus: Understand the essence of education, implement school-based management, and jointly develop the school's vision.
  • Student-centered: Respect individual differences, unlock diverse potentials, and achieve holistic development education.
  • Professionalism as a prerequisite: Encourage teachers to pursue further education, implement professional evaluations, and enhance teachers' professional growth.
  • Service as a belief: Service-oriented professionalism, support teaching effectiveness, and shape a high-quality campus culture.
  • Learning as a driving force: Make good use of diverse management, motivate research and innovation, and create a learning-oriented school.
  • Community as a partner: Integrate community resources, establish interactive mechanisms, and activate school educational activities.
  • Emphasize specialties: Develop the school's characteristics, e-technology integration, and establish a refined campus image.

School Vision_02 School Vision_06 General Program_Field Trip


Educational Development Goals:

  • Individualization, respect, love, and role models to shape a sound personality: Replace indoctrination with adaptive education, establish role models of respect, inclusion, and love, and shape students' holistic personality development.
  • Establish distinctive curriculum for sustainable educational development: Adhere to the concept of sustainable education development, offer distinctive courses, and establish teaching and curriculum characteristics.
  • Create diverse learning opportunities to enrich educational content: Education should not be standardized and unchanging. Create diverse learning opportunities for students to experience educational reforms within the system and enrich educational content.
  • Technological integration, innovative collaboration, and cultivate global citizens: To enhance teaching effectiveness, adapt to the changing trends of the times, integrate technology (e-learning, diversity, and innovation) into teaching through teamwork and develop teaching creativity. This will be the key to the quality of teaching and learning.

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General Program: The general program aims to cultivate talents with a humanistic and technological literacy. It offers a rich curriculum of required courses, diverse elective courses, and flexible learning activities. It encourages students to explore themselves, develop their potential, and strive for top-tier universities.

General Intro01 General Intro02 General Intro03

Chemical Engineering Program: The chemical engineering program aims to cultivate talents with a background in chemical engineering. Through various laboratory equipment, experimental devices, and certification courses, in collaboration with regional industrial companies, students are encouraged to contribute their expertise in the field of chemical engineering.

Chemi Intro01 Chemi Intro02 Chemic Intro03

Multimedia Animation Program: The multimedia animation program aims to cultivate talents in art creation and visual animation. The curriculum is diverse, and students are actively guided to obtain certifications in prepress processes, web design, and other fields. In the future, students from the multimedia animation program can pursue careers in game animation production, web design, animation film production, and other related fields.

Animate01 Animate02 Animate03


Internationa Exchange01  Internationa Exchange02


Please click the VR photo below and talk a walk of our campus.

06_VR tour